This is a story of two towns, Badger and Godspurned. Badger was a small town in an unfortunate location, overseen by a freshly minted and remarkably unskilled lady.
Badger did not establish farms for a year, nor did it build them large when it did. Instead, for many years the hamlet relied on hunters and gatherers eking a living from the countryside. There were periods of abundance as well as starvation, but on the whole we grew.
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It’s the Steam Sale again (argh augh no no no) and I’ve been EXTREMELY restrained this year. It’s been hard.
I did pick up State of Decay, an open-world zombie apocalypse simulator for Quite Cheap. It’s just about a year old and started out life as an Xbox Live Arcade game, and the Windows port certainly plays like a somewhat half-assed port.
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So I have ADHD, and have had for a very, very long time. Much of my life, they tell me! I wasn’t one of the Ritalin kids of the 80s, but it’s definitely been a long and unyielding struggle to maintain function throughout the years.
School was extremely difficult, with the intensity of my boredom and disinterest in the material grinding any achievements I may have tried for into nothingness.
continue reading... was an experiment in seeing if we could have a sustainable Twitter-like system that people would pay for.
Based on the blog post from one of the founders, the answer is “No.” A few of us kept our accounts going, but the majority of people don’t appear to have bothered.
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So when I went off to Canada for Pycon, I bought a PS Vita for the plane trip. This was the second time I’d had a portable PS device, the first (a PSP) being really dull and uninteresting. My Nintendo DS was equally dull and uninteresting, when I had one. I had games I loved, it was just … small, and low resolution, and boring. None of the games were nearly as much fun as they would have been on a TV or other sensible device.
So the Vita has been surprising in that I rather like playing games on it, and the games available are very pleasing in that odd sort of way. It has me excited for the Playstation TV, the device that will let me play Vita games on the TV instead of acquiring hand cramps and visual oddities from holding a poorly designed device.
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So an idea that fell out of my head recently given my constant unending criticism of gaming was the idea of Time to Sexism.
Sexism is the gaming industry is endlessly rampant, from gamers being bastions of misogyny to the studios themselves not respecting or admitting that women are present in the industry.
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So yesterday I wrote about how I haven’t felt like I can ship anything lately, and how Aperture got in the way of my shipping things, and Lightroom doesn’t.
Lightroom gave me good tools to interact with my main photo sharing outlet, 500px, gave me a way to really engage, meaningfully, with my work and my need to share that work.
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I take a lot of photos. Taking photos is a huge part of my identity and how I relate to the world, the system by which the world makes sense to me. Photographs bound my world the way society bounds our actions or the way architecture bounds our spaces. I carry a GX1 with me, and I use it every day. This year alone I’ve taken almost 3000 photos, and expect to take another 3 before I’m done.
I take a lot of photos.
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In spite of saying I wouldn’t play Tomb Raider, I purchased it and played it. In predictable form, it was much of what I thought it would be.
Lazy, abuse-driven “storytelling”
Now that I’ve played Tomb Raider, I can say that my comments on using trauma as a proxy for “strength” were accurate. The very first scene in Tomb Raider is Lara being dropped onto a rebar spike, suffering (what looks like) a very serious abdominal wound. This wound is left untreated for over half the game, presumably because it makes her strong.
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So for those who don’t follow Twitter, I was at the major Python conference over the last week. It was extremely awesome, and I had a brilliant time at it. The edge of my depression has been blunted and I was able to function usefully, if stressfully.
Turns out saying you’ll give a 3-hour tutorial on Twisted Python will put you into a fair amount of stress. JUST SAYING.
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